Other activities we will be up to...
Monthly Membership Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of the month in Castello at 6.30pm usually consisting of an intro of Association business, a speaker and an aperitivo hour.
There will also be a minimum of 6 Association organised events each year along with other events organised by Support Teams to be announced in the near future. All events and meetings will be detailed in the calender below.
Please send an enquiry about membership from the 'Join Us' page, if you're not already a member and if you are, always remember to RSVP.
Leadership Team meetings will be tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of the month with the agenda accessible via a link in the meeting entry.
You can also link this calendar with your preferred calendar using this ical link https://airtable.com/appbvx22XHmRlpSoQ/shrfqtGtzGzz9hvwy/iCal?timeZone=Europe%2FRome&userLocale=en